Conservation holidays

... are becoming more and more popular throughout the world. It’s a way of holidaying that combines recreational activities with much needed conservation work. ELF Conservation Holidays or talgud consist of voluntary conservation work, getting to know the area, a hike and meeting the local ranger or guide. Holidays normally lasts 3-5, but sometimes up to 10 days. Evening activities include camp-fires and saunas.

Noor teadlane analüüsib Võhandu jõe ürgoru maastikukaitseala osapooli
Conflict Analysis of Võhandu River Primeval Valley Landscape Reserve
Mires at Feodori
Manija Island
The Great Crested Newts
Muhu Island
Weeding out Himalayan Balsam (verev lemmalts, Impatiens glandulifera)
Amazing Estonian Birds: metsis, teder, laanepüü